Ice Melt Damages Concrete – Do This Instead To Prevent Slipping On Ice

A small fraction of people solve their ice problem by using ice melt. But they are confronted with another issue when spring arrives; that of broken concrete. Various chemicals destroy concrete, some of which are used in ice melter.
In this article, we will know ways by which ice melt damages concrete and what businesses can do to safeguard their concrete while avoiding slip and fall in their premises.
How Do I Stop Sliding on Ice and Snow?
Preventing slips and slides on icy surfaces requires the right footwear and techniques. Here are some tips on how to not slip on ice:
- Wear Proper Winter Boots: Invest in winter boots with non-slip soles and good traction.
- Use Ice Cleats: Ice cleats or traction devices can be strapped onto your shoes to provide extra grip on icy surfaces.
- Take Smaller Steps: Shorten your stride to maintain better balance and control.
- Bend Your Knees: Slightly bending your knees helps lower your center of gravity, improving stability.
- Walk Like a Penguin: Mimic a penguin’s waddle by taking short, shuffling steps to increase stability.
- Spread ‘Traction Magic’: Use ‘Traction Magic’ in place of traditional rock salt to improve traction.
How to Keep Ice Off Your Sidewalks All Winter Long?
Preventing ice buildup on your sidewalks is a proactive approach to winter safety. Here’s what you can do:
- Shovel Snow Promptly: Remove snow as soon as it accumulates to prevent it from turning into ice.
- Apply Traction Products: Use products like ‘Traction Magic’ or non-toxic ice melters (like Safe Paw) to keep ice from forming.
- Use Heated Mats: Electric heated mats can be placed on walkways to prevent ice from sticking.
- Insulate Sidewalks: Insulating sidewalks can help prevent them from becoming too cold and forming ice.
Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice
How Does Ice Melt Damage Concrete?
De-icers are linked to concrete damage due to the chemicals used to melt the ice. The majority of concrete ice melts are chloride mixtures, mainly sodium (rock salt) or magnesium. Sodium chloride is rock salt that can harm plants and metals since it is salt. Salt, especially rock salt, can be harmful.
Many contractors, businesses, and homeowners are concerned that ice melts are harsh chemicals that would erode and harm the concrete’s surface. In addition to the chemicals, ice melts are frequently abrasive and can cause damage.
When too much salt is used to melt snow and ice, it might end up in unexpected places. It can harm landscaping, be tracked into your building, or recrystallize in the pores of the concrete, resulting in chipping and spalling of the surface if left resting on it.
When using de-icing salt, chipping the concrete surface isn’t the only issue to consider. The harsh chemicals of ice melt can rust and corrode metal if it seeps through fractures and reaches rebar used in concrete. As rust and corrosion progress, the surrounding concrete is pushed, resulting in cracks and spalling. Furthermore, as concrete deteriorates, it becomes more vulnerable to chemical and biological concerns. The ice melts can also cause rusting of your metal machinery and vehicles.
You want to keep your employees, visitors safe and avoid being held liable, but you don’t want to harm your pricey concrete! There is a way to ensure that all of your bases are covered.
Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice
Prevent Slipping On Ice Without Ice Melt
To avoid the chemical hazards of ice melts, you can use an alternative to salt, Traction Magic. It is a traction aid, not an ice melt. It creates a gritty, solid layer on snowy surfaces to provide better footing than any other chemical.
Traction Magic is one effective solution for preventing slips and falls on ice. It is made from a blend of natural volcanic rock and minerals, ‘Traction Magic’ creates an instant skid-free, slip-free surface on ice and snow. It’s safe for plants, pets, and property, making it an excellent choice for maintaining safety during the winter months. It works quickly regardless of the temperature or thickness of the ice without damaging your concrete and metals.
Its non-toxic formula functions in two ways. Water is sucked from the ice’s surface by absorbers. We know from physics that when ice is crushed, such as when someone steps on it, it liquefies, forming a layer of water that makes ice incredibly slick. The absorbers quickly absorb the water. The gripper granules then burrow into the ice, leaving a dry, non-slippery layer behind.
It is preferred by business owners since it protects their clients and limits their responsibility. It has no negative impact on the flooring.

If you want to avoid any slip and fall incidents on your premises while protecting your concrete, vehicles, and machinery then a natural traction agent with immediate effect is the best solution for you.
Other Ice Melt Products
Safe Paw
The Original and the #1 Pet and Child Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe – will not harm waterways and sensitive wetlands. Safe Paw can change how winter affects our planet.

Safe Thaw
Imagine an ice melt you can put down and never worry about. It won’t harm pets, kids and your property. That’s Safe Thaw. Unlike anything else on the market, Ice and Snow Management You Can Trust.