
Walk On Ice with Traction Magic

Prevent slips at home, work or on the go!

Walk On Ice safely in Winter, with the latest addition to the Traction Magic collection. The handy disposable canister can be taken everywhere, with the same 100% naturally occurring minerals that provide instant traction on ice or snow. Use it on sidewalks, steps, or as instant traction agent for your car.

Traction Magic Ice Melter Made In USA

Walk On Ice Features

  • Anti-SkidAnti-Skid

    Creates an instant skid-free, slip-free surface on ice and snow for foot, pet, and car traffic + more.

  • 100% People, Pet & Plant Safe100% People, Pet & Plant Safe

    Safe on eyes, skin, paws and if ingested. It’s all-around safe!

  • Surface SafeSurface Safe

    100% safe on all surfaces including decking, new concrete, pavers, etc.

  • All NaturalAll Natural

    Made of all-natural minerals and safe ingredients. 100% free of harmful salts and chemicals.

The Magic in Walk On Ice

Crystals are spread on surface
Composed of 7 nationally mined geo- crystals that are milled and dried. These crystals act like absorbers and grippers.

Grippers and absorbers suck and bite onto the ice
The ‘absorbers’ siphon the water while the ‘grippers’ hold onto the ice/snow to create a non-slip surface.

Crystals make the surface not slippery
The treated surface can then be used right away, by vehicles, people, animals, and pets. Spread and Go!

About Walk On Ice

Traction Magic (the wonderful minerals that are on Walk On Ice) was developed in 2016 out of necessity because nothing in the market met our standard of safety. As part of the Gaia family of products, Walk On Ice with Traction Magic shares Gaia’s ongoing mission to provide products that uphold our commitment to sustainability.
All Products made and assembled in the USA.

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