All the ways to use Traction Magic

Traction Magic is a highly-effective traction agent for use on ice and snow. When on ice, grip, don’t slip with instant traction on icy surfaces.
Why Use Traction Magic by Gaia?
Did you know that one of the biggest fears people have during winter is either getting stuck or slipping on ice? Traction Magic by Gaia Enterprises, provides immediate traction to any icy surface. Its formula was carefully crafted with small spiked granules that dig into the icy surface while simultaneously soaking up the surface water. Traction Magic is the only traction agent on the market that is completely environmentally safe and salt-free. Why is this important? Salt-based traction agents have numerous long term consequences and negative side effects on people, plants, children, pets, and the environment. Upon this startling realization, it became Gaia’s mission to change the standards of a safe and effective traction agent. Eliminating any fear or concern you have about keeping you, your pets, your home, or your children safe.
Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice
Traction Magic Around Your Home
It is important to have Traction Magic nearby to get ahead of unexpected occurrences of ice around your home this winter. Traction Magic works instantly upon application. It can be used on virtually any surface around your home including on your driveway, sidewalk, deck, and even your roof to help prevent falls on slippery surfaces. It will not cause corrosion or damage to any part of your home. Traction Magic is completely safe to use around your pets and children. Our salt-free formula differentiates us from traditional traction agents that contain salt and other harmful ingredients that can cause long term damage to your home.
Traction Magic Around Your Business
Owning a business during winter months can cause worry around potential slips and falls on the sidewalks or roads surrounding your business. Fret not with Traction Magic. Have it handy to spread across the sidewalks and entrances leading up to your business. Traction Magic will not penetrate or damage the concrete or roads when spread and is safe to use around kids and pets. Traction Magic will minimize on-site accidents, injuries, and lawsuites. Keep your business safe and accessible this winter with Traction Magic.
Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice
Keeping Traction Magic In Your Vehicle For Emergencies
The idea of driving and getting stuck on an icy surface with your car tires spinning endlessly due to lack of grip is very scary. This was one of the biggest problems we wanted to solve in the creation of Traction Magic. Traction Magic provides instant grip to your car tires against ice and snow. It’s like having a red carpet of traction laid out to boost your car free. Having Traction Magic in your car will also provide safe footing when you arrive home or at your destination under any icy condition. Learn more about staying safe while driving this winter with Traction Magic.
Using Traction Magic Around Livestock
If your livelihood is around livestock but you don’t know how to keep ice, snow, and sleet from causing slips and falls this winter, look no further. Traction Magic was built around the safety of animals and can provide you with the peace of mind that your work around the Ranch can safely continue this winter. Apply Traction Magic anywhere your animals need to roam or you need to walk and know that the immediate traction it provides will keep you and your animals safe from slips and falls.
Traction Magic Around Your Barn This Winter
Trail riding and horses don’t have to be put on hold this winter if you have Traction Magic. Traction Magic is completely safe and nontoxic to all animals, including horses. You can apply it to the trails you love around the barn. Apply it in the walkway of your barn stalls, all across the riding trails, and you can rest assured that you and your horse will be safe from the possibility of slipping due to lack of friction.
Research behind Traction Magic
Addressing safety first, Traction Magic meets the stringent guidelines of the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In other words, the government agency dedicated to maintaining workplace safety and health gives Traction Magic the “thumbs up.”
Traction Magic is ISO 9001 certified. The ISO system is an internationally recognized Quality Management System, and the 9001 certification means that Traction Magic “meets customer expectations and delivers customer satisfaction.” In short, ISO 9001 certification means the product works.
Traction Magic for the Environmentalist
The residue of Traction Magic if left behind is actually advantageous to th
e environment, as it provides a great soil conditioner and promotes healthy growth of trees and plants. Traction Magic does not contain any harsh chemicals or corrosive salts that are known to hurt the environment. Runoff from roads where Traction Magic was spread does not pose a threat to bodies of water or cause damage of any kind. Traction Magic is manufactured with only natural minerals, which act as absorbers and grippers. Environmentalists can give Traction Magic a green thumbs up.

How to Apply Traction Magic?
To apply Traction Magic simply spread the desired amount of granules on to the surface you are trying to create traction on. For example, if you are trying to take out the trash and need to walk to the end of the driveway, simply spread some of this powerful traction agent where you plan to walk. Unlike anything else, Traction Magic works instantly, giving you a peace of mind you never knew you could have walking on icy surfaces.
Tell us about your other uses for Traction Magic
We love to hear from our customers about all the ways you are using Traction Magic. Head over to our Facebook page and share your images and experiences with Traction Magic and be sure to tell all your neighbors how to keep their property, pets, and family safe this winter with Traction Magic.
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