
Watch Your Step! Black Ice Can Be Dangerous To Walk On

Black ice or clear ice is a thin layer of ice caused by refreezing of melted snow. It is invisible and appears clear to the eye, and hence we cannot...


How To Prevent Winter Slip And Fall Accidents At Your Workplace?

The winter season can bring a slew of hazards to the workplace. Slips and falls are some of the incidents due to winter weather.  Workplace slip, trip, and fall incidents...


5 Helpful Safety Tips For Walking Dogs On Snowy Sidewalks In Winter

Dogs can be severely harmed by the cold. During the winter, dogs are at risk of frostbite, hypothermia, and chemical poisoning. People use ice melters that contain dangerous chemicals when...


Black Ice: Driving Tips, Safety Info, And Accident Prevention

Every year, with nearly 117,000 people getting injured in ice-related accidents, it is essential to maintain traction in snow at all times. Black ice is a troublesome thin, invisible layer...


How To Free Your Car From An Ice Patch?

While driving in winter weather, you constantly run the danger of becoming trapped. The last thing you want is to be stranded in poor weather and have no idea what...


Black Ice Safety Tips For Your Business Premises

Black ice has always been a problem for every business premise, residential owner, and road in general. Yet, we prepare to battle winter problems every year only to realize we...


Use This To Protect Your New Concrete From Salt Damage

There is a lot of salt poured on roads and driveways during snow periods. Salts are highly corrosive for your new concrete. Cracked concrete also means you’ll have to spend...


How To Drive On Black Ice?

Black ice or clear ice is one of the most persistent problems of the winter season. Every year nearly 116,000 people are injured in car accidents on icy roads, and...


Why Does Ice Melt Not Work On Black Ice, And How To Get Traction?

Black ice is a thin layer of ice formed when water freezes on any hard surface, appearing like water but solid ice. Since the ice merges with the color of...

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