Tag: traction magic
3 Things You Must Know About Shoe Spikes Before Walking On Ice
Traction devices are removable components that go over your running shoes to provide more traction while jogging in the winter, whether on snow or ice. Metal teeth, spikes, tips, or,...
Choose The Best Traction Agent To Safely Walk On Ice
When the air is crisp and the ground is covered with snow, there’s nothing like going out to enjoy the scenic white atmosphere. Winter, on the other hand, can be...
How Can A Steep Driveway Be Kept Safe During Snowfall
The winter season requires different preparations to face the severe snowstorms and chilling weather. You may be preparing well by getting your fireplace checked & serviced, taking out warm clothes,...
Don’t Salt Your New Concrete: Use This Instead
Homeowners in the cold regions use piles of rock salt on their driveways each winter to prevent ice slips. You require increased traction for walking on ice or else it...
Winter Walking Tips To Lower Your Risk Of Falling
Walking on snow and ice is difficult and can often result in slips and fall accidents. These accidents on the treacherous ice layer can cause severe injuries. It’s important to...
Preventing Falls On Slippery Sidewalks And Roads
You must be knowing the dangers of walking on ice and the unfortunate slips and fall accidents due to the slick icy layer. Sometimes these accidents can cause severe injuries...
How To Avoid Slipping And Get Instant Traction On Ice
In winters it is challenging to protect yourself and your dear from the extreme climate. You can put up several warm clothing layers to maintain your body temperature in the...
Here’s How You Can Make Winter Streets Safer – Traction Magic
Even the most experienced drivers may find it difficult to drive safely in the winter. After months of mild weather, it’s easy to forget that snow and ice require extra...
5 Ways To Make Your Driveway Less Slippery This Winter
If you live in an area with harsh winter weather, snow, ice, and other winter hazards, you know how tough it can be to keep your driveway in good shape...