
Black Ice Safety Guide

Black ice is a dangerous road condition that can cause a car to lose control, crash and injure you. It forms when rain or drizzle falls on a surface and...


Is Salt The Best Deicer?

Salt has been a go-to deicer for years. It seems like the obvious choice, but experts say you should use something else. Salt is corrosive, which means it can damage...


A Science-Based Guide To Ice Walking

There’s nothing like the feeling of walking on ice, especially when you get to do it year-round in your own backyard. But if you’re not careful, this dangerous activity can...


Winter Boots Are Not Necessary To Walk On Icy Streets

Winter is the season for snow, ice, and slush. During this time of year, we all take extra care when walking on icy streets. Many believe they need winter boots...


Winterize Your Car For Blizzards And Storms This Year With These Tips

Winter is coming, and it’s time to winterize your car and home. This means preparing them for the colder months ahead by ensuring everything is ready to go. Here’s what...


Winter Driving Tips To Keep You Safe

Winter driving can be dangerous, especially if you’re not prepared. Before you hit the roads this season, take some time to prepare your vehicle and yourself for winter driving. If...


Sand vs Kitty Litter For Traction

Sand and kitty litter are both popular options for traction. They’re relatively inexpensive, but there are some key differences between the two. Many people think that using their best deicer...


Traction Magic Vs Sand: Which One To Use?

When it comes to adding traction sand is one of the most commonly available ingredients in the market. It’s important to note that traction agents like Traction Magic and sand...


Kitty Litter Vs Traction Magic Pros And Cons

If you’re a business owner and wondering- does ice melt damage concrete, then the answer is yes and no. And before we tell you how the answer is both a...

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