
Is Salt The Best Deicer?

Salt has been a go-to deicer for years. It seems like the obvious choice, but experts say you should use something else. Salt is corrosive, which means it can damage...


Pros And Cons Of Using Salt On Street Roads During Winter

You’re probably familiar with road salt if you live in a city that gets a lot of snow and ice. Road salt is table salt in its natural state. On...


3 Things To Keep In Mind While Walking On Ice

There’s a reason why the idiom “walking on thin ice” refers to being in danger. Walking on ice is quite risky. During the winter season, more caution is required especially...


Ice Melt Damages Concrete – Do This Instead To Prevent Slipping On Ice

A small fraction of people solve their ice problem by using ice melt. But they are confronted with another issue when spring arrives; that of broken concrete. Various chemicals destroy...


How To Deal With Snow And Ice In An Environmentally Friendly Way?

The most frequent and conscious question people are asking today is ‘how can I be more environment-friendly,’ ‘how can I use a salt-free deicer and know it works?’, etc. With...


How Ice Destroys Concrete And What You Should Do?

Ice is the #1 reason for concrete damage, road erosion, roof problems, and rusting metal. Well, not ice directly, but the deicers. The salt and chloride content in every ice...

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