
Traction Magic – How To Use

Driving any vehicle in the winter season is hazardous because of reduced friction at the tire-road interface due to ice formation on the road during this season.  So what to...


How To Minimize Slip and Fall Accidents At Business Premises

During the winter months, snow and ice accumulation on sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots can create hazard zones, resulting in slip, trip, and fall accidents that may cause critical and...


How Traction Magic Works – The Science Behind

Icemelt does not serve the need for people to cross the icy or snowy surface immediately. One million Americans are injured every year . Nearly 600,000 are hospitalized every year...


All the ways to use Traction Magic

Traction Magic is a highly-effective traction agent for use on ice and snow. When on ice, grip, don’t slip with instant traction on icy surfaces. Why Use Traction Magic by...


Traction On Ice

It is almost certain that you will slip and fall on snow once in your lifetime. The seemingly harmless falls can sometimes escalate into serious health problems. Indeed, the U.S....


Non-Toxic Ice Melter for Traction on Ice

Walking or driving on icy surfaces can be perilous, but there are several strategies and products that can help you maintain traction on ice. In this article, we will explore...


Traction Magic vs. Kitty Litter For Traction On Ice

Will kitty litter keep you from slipping on ice or give your car traction on slick driveways or roads? Are there alternatives to Kitty Litter that also provide traction and...


Best Ice Melt or Traction Agent for New Concrete

Are ice melt products safe for new concrete? What about fully cured concrete? This guide to ice problems on concrete has the answers. Keeping Your Home Safe Every homeowner wants...


Roof Repair in Winter During and After Snow and Ice Storms

Getting on an icy roof during or after a winter storm is a dangerous task, but one that occasionally must be done when: Note: If you’re not experienced in roofing...

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