Category: Comparision
Ice Spikes Vs Traction Agent
The cold weather is here, and it’s tempting to stay inside. But there’s an easy way to get out of the house on icy days: ice spikes or using a...
Snow Melting Alternatives To Salt For Concrete Driveways
Winter is upon us, which means that we’ll all be spending a lot more time on our concrete driveways and sidewalks. If you’re looking for snow-melting alternatives to salt this...
What To Do If A Blizzard Is Approaching?
Winter weather can be impressive and beautiful. A blizzard is one of the most powerful winter storms. However, it can also be dangerous. Here are some tips on how to...
Increasing Traction On Concrete Driveways Is Easy
Concrete driveways are an excellent option for homeowners who want to add curb appeal and value to their properties. However, like any concrete slab, it can become slippery when wet...
Is Salt The Best Deicer?
Salt has been a go-to deicer for years. It seems like the obvious choice, but experts say you should use something else. Salt is corrosive, which means it can damage...
When To Use Traction Agent And When To Use Ice Melt
Traction agents and ice melt are two products that can help keep your driveway and walkways safe during the winter months. They each serve a different purpose and have distinct...
Sand vs Kitty Litter For Traction
Sand and kitty litter are both popular options for traction. They’re relatively inexpensive, but there are some key differences between the two. Many people think that using their best deicer...
3 Reasons Why Traction Magic is a Better Than Kitty Litter or Sand
It is a well-known fact- that you can improve your traction by using a product other than sand or kitty litter. What if I told you that there was an...
Traction Magic Vs Rock Salt
Traction Magic and rock salt are used to clear ice off driveways and walkways. They both are effective, but Traction Magic, which is considered a great alternative to rock salt,...