When Walking, What Is The Best Way To Get Traction?

It’s easy to get traction when you’re walking on dry surfaces. But if the ground is wet or icy, or if you’re walking on grass, it can be hard to keep your footing. The best way to gain traction is by using a wide base of support with your feet. This means that when you’re walking, you should try not to put all of your weight on just one foot at a time. Instead, spread out your weight evenly so that more of it is distributed across the surface area of both of your feet. But what are other tools and products that can help you? Thinking ice shoes spikes? Let’s discuss in detail.
Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice
Ice Shoes Spikes Are Not Enough To Get Traction On Ice.
Ice shoes spikes are made of metal, and they’re typically not very sharp. They’re typically just long, thin pieces of metal that don’t dig into the ice very far. This means that the ice is probably only getting about a millimeter or two of traction from your shoe’s spikes. That’s not going to be enough to stop you from slipping!
Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice
To keep your best interests in mind, we introduced Traction Magic which is easy to carry and is an excellent traction agent. It may appear plain mud, but it is unlike anything else in the market. With 7 naturally occurring minerals, Traction Magic is a handy disposable canister that provides instant traction on snow and ice. It is free of salts and chlorides and works well on any surface, including new concrete and decking. It is granular in consistency and helps absorb the water and provide a grip by holding onto the ice or snow to create a non-slip surface. It remains on the ground for a long time and does not harm the environment.

Wear The Right Footwear
Another important point to note is the footwear for walking on ice. You know how to build traction while driving and keep yourself safe. But when it comes to footwear, we often take a step back.
The best footwear during winter is boots and thick rubber-soled shoes. They have deep grooves underneath, making it easy to walk on ice. You can supplement it with a good traction agent, such as Traction Magic, and spread it wherever you find a slippery surface. It is portable and can fit in any corner of your bag.
Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice
We always look for ways to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the dreaded ice in winter. Keeping the above points in mind will help you stay safe. Always know shoe spikes for ice are not sufficient. Always carry a traction agent.
Other Ice Melt Products
Safe Paw
The Original and the #1 Pet and Child Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe – will not harm waterways and sensitive wetlands. Safe Paw can change how winter affects our planet.

Safe Thaw
Imagine an ice melt you can put down and never worry about. It won’t harm pets, kids and your property. That’s Safe Thaw. Unlike anything else on the market, Ice and Snow Management You Can Trust.