
Preventing Car Pile-Ups On Snowy Roads: Tips For Keeping Yourself And Others Safe With Traction Magic

Driving in the snow is an essential skill for anyone living in a snowy climate. But it’s also one of the most challenging things about winter driving. There are certain...


What Is Black Ice And Why It’s A Hazard For Driving

Black ice is a hazard for drivers, especially during the winter months. This thin layer of ice forms on roads, bridges, and overpasses when temperatures are below 32 degrees Fahrenheit....


How To Prevent Yourself In Car Pile-Up Collisions During Winter

It’s important to remember your safety and the safety of others if you get involved in car pile-up collision. It can be a very stressful experience, and it is easy...


Issues Homeowners Should Be Aware Of When It Comes To Winter Roof Damage

The winter season is upon us, which means that many people are turning their attention towards their roofs so they can prepare for what’s to come. The good news is...


First Aid: If You Slipped On Ice

If you’ve ever slipped on ice, you know how dangerous it can be. There’s a good chance that you’ve found yourself lying on the ground, trying to figure out what...


What To Put On Ice For Traction – Traction Magic

We all know it’s important to have traction on your vehicle. But, let’s be honest with ourselves: in most cases, we don’t have time to check the tires every time...


Things You Need To Know Before Running In Cold Weather

We all know the feeling: You’re ready to go for a run, but then it starts snowing. The last thing you want to do is get out there and risk...


Why Need Traction Agent When You Have Ice Cleats Boots

Ice cleat boots are a great way to prevent slipping on a slippery surface, but they don’t always do the job. The best thing about ice shoes is that they...


Tips On Driving On Ice

Snow can take a toll on our regular life and make it difficult to move around to get things done. You may have fixed new tires, but they weren’t up...

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