
Freezing Rain Is More Deadly Than You Think: Driving Tips

Freezing rain is basically just rain that freezes to the ground after hitting the ground (or your windshield). It’s not uncommon in winter months, and it can be incredibly dangerous...


How To Avoid Pile-Up Collisions: Winter Driving Safety Tips

Driving on ice tips and snow is an essential skill for anyone living in a snowy climate. But it’s also one of the most challenging things about winter driving. There...


Issues Homeowners Should Be Aware Of When It Comes To Winter Roof Damage

The winter season is upon us, which means that many people are turning their attention towards their roofs so they can prepare for what’s to come. The good news is...


Using Kitty Litter On Ice- Does It Work?

In the winter, you might have to shovel your driveway or walkway. You have no doubt noticed that it can be difficult to get traction on icy surfaces. The same...


How To Make Your Steps Less Slippery In Winter

Walking up and down icy steps in the winter can be a slippery, scary proposition. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Here are some tips on how to...


Can You Use Salt For New Concrete? – Traction Magic

Ice melts are designed to make ice-covered surfaces safer and easier to walk on. They don’t damage concrete, but they may damage the things you have stored in your basement...


Non Slip Ice Shoes: Why They Are Not 100% Reliable

Slipping on ice is a common occurrence that can be dangerous. If you are in the winter, there is a good chance that at some point, you will experience slipping...


What To Before, During And After A Blizzard

This winter has been a doozy. Whether you’re a snow lover or not, it’s important to know how to prepare for a blizzard so that you can make it through...


What To Do If Sliding On Ice – Traction Magic

When you’re sliding on ice, there are a few things you can do to increase your traction and keep yourself safe. First of all, make sure you’re wearing the right...

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