Tag: Best Deicer For Concrete
3 Use Cases Of Traction Magic
What is a traction agent? A traction agent is any substance that provides ice traction for shoes and a grip for your tires on slippery surfaces. The more surface area...
Why You Need To Be Extra Careful At Major Intersection
Intersections are the most dangerous places on any road. This is no surprise when you consider how many cars, pedestrians, cyclists, and other users of city streets there are every...
Sand vs Kitty Litter For Traction
Sand and kitty litter are both popular options for traction. They’re relatively inexpensive, but there are some key differences between the two. Many people think that using their best deicer...
3 Reasons Why Traction Magic is a Better Than Kitty Litter or Sand
It is a well-known fact- that you can improve your traction by using a product other than sand or kitty litter. What if I told you that there was an...
Best Ice Melt or Traction Agent for New Concrete
Are ice melt products safe for new concrete? What about fully cured concrete? This guide to ice problems on concrete has the answers. Keeping Your Home Safe Every homeowner wants...