
Things You Need To Know Before Running In Cold Weather

We all know the feeling: You’re ready to go for a run, but then it starts snowing. The last thing you want to do is get out there and risk...


Kitty Litter Vs Sand Vs Salt For Ice

Winter is a season of joy and excitement, but it can also be a time of frustration. Whether you’re trying to get up the hill in your snow-covered car or...


Kitty Litter And Snow: How To Get Traction

You’ve got the snow tires on your car, and you’re ready to drive. But as soon as you hit the road, you realize it’s not enough: no matter how much...


Pets’ Paws And Snow: How To Handle It

Winter is a beautiful time of year, but it also poses challenges. One of the biggest challenges is keeping your home clean and free from snow. If you have pets,...


A Quick And Easy Way To Get Rid Of Ice

Ice, ice baby! The key to keeping your garden and plants healthy is ensuring the ground doesn’t freeze. You must have several questions in mind. Like which ice melt to...


3 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Use Chlorine On Your Concrete

We’ve all seen the ads for different types of ice melts. You might have seen one that talks about how it can be used on concrete and another that says...


Kitty Litter For Snow Or Traction Agent?

Pet owners are often concerned about their pets’ safety. This is especially true when it comes to products like ice melt, which can be harmful if ingested by animals. Let’s...


Traction Sand Vs Traction Magic

Winter is a time for snow and ice, which can be a real challenge for drivers. We all know that the last thing you want to do when driving in...


What To Do If A Blizzard Is Approaching?

Winter weather can be impressive and beautiful. A blizzard is one of the most powerful winter storms. However, it can also be dangerous. Here are some tips on how to...

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