
How To Walk In Snow Without Slipping -Traction Magic

Ice walking is the latest trend to hit the streets, but what many people don’t know is that it can cause serious injuries. While most of us are familiar with...


When Walking, What Is The Best Way To Get Traction?

It’s easy to get traction when you’re walking on dry surfaces. But if the ground is wet or icy, or if you’re walking on grass, it can be hard to...


Can New Concrete Be Treated With Ice Melt?

Ice melts are supposed to be used on concrete to prevent it from freezing. But what if you just poured your new concrete? Should you use ice melt on it?...


Why Is Ice Melt Bad For Concrete

Many people think that ice melt is not good for concrete without knowing why is ice melt bad for concrete. The reality is, this is only a half-truth. Not all...


A Few Tips For Navigating The Ice

It’s inevitable that you’ll have to drive in the snow at some point in your life. In fact, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’ve already experienced this many times...


Getting Around On Ice: Some Helpful Tips

Winter is a time to take a break from daily life and enjoy the cold. But, if you’re going on an adventure on ice, it’s imperative to know what to...


Ice Melting Made Fast And Easy

When the temperature drops, it’s important to know how to melt ice. Melting ice can be a tricky business as different types of snow require different methods. If you’re having...


A Quick And Easy Way To Get Rid Of Ice

Ice, ice baby! The key to keeping your garden and plants healthy is ensuring the ground doesn’t freeze. You must have several questions in mind. Like which ice melt to...


Keeping Your Car And Metal-Items Safe In Winter

If you live in a colder climate, you’re probably thinking about how to keep your home safe from the winter chill. But there’s also another important thing to consider: keeping...

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