Category: Benefits of Traction Magic
First Aid: If You Slipped On Ice
If you’ve ever slipped on ice, you know how dangerous it can be. There’s a good chance that you’ve found yourself lying on the ground, trying to figure out what...
Using Kitty Litter On Ice- Does It Work?
In the winter, you might have to shovel your driveway or walkway. You have no doubt noticed that it can be difficult to get traction on icy surfaces. The same...
How To Make Your Steps Less Slippery In Winter
Walking up and down icy steps in the winter can be a slippery, scary proposition. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Here are some tips on how to...
What Are Roof Gripper And How To Protect Roofs In Winter
Winter is here, which means that roofing season is upon us. But if you’re unfamiliar with the complexity of roofing, it can be difficult to know how to protect your...
What To Before, During And After A Blizzard
This winter has been a doozy. Whether you’re a snow lover or not, it’s important to know how to prepare for a blizzard so that you can make it through...
What To Do If Sliding On Ice – Traction Magic
When you’re sliding on ice, there are a few things you can do to increase your traction and keep yourself safe. First of all, make sure you’re wearing the right...
Keeping Safe While Running In The Snow -Traction Magic
Winter weather can be a pain, but there’s no reason to hibernate. If you’re a runner, it might be tempting to skip your usual outdoor run and hit up the...
What’s That Type Of Ice Melt That Doesn’t Damage Concrete
Ice melt is an essential part of winterizing your home. If you want to make sure that your concrete doesn’t become damaged, you need to use ice melt that doesn’t...
Ice Cleats Boots Vs Traction Magic
Ice cleat boots vs Traction Magic is a debate that has been raging for years. Which type of shoe is the best for walking on ice? The answer is, it...