What Is Black Ice And Why It’s A Hazard For Driving

Black ice is a hazard for drivers, especially during the winter months. This thin layer of ice forms on roads, bridges, and overpasses when temperatures are below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The name black ice comes from the fact that it looks like black asphalt or concrete, when in reality it’s just a thin sheet of transparent ice. Driving over black ice can cause cars to spin out and lose control resulting in serious wrecks and collisions. The best way to avoid black ice is to stay up to date about weather conditions in your area and to spot this dangerous formation before it happens.
Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice
Black Ice Mostly Often Forms At Night
Black ice can form at night, and it’s a hazard for drivers. If you’re driving on a road that has black ice, you might not realize that you’re driving over it until it’s too late. It can lead to a crash or an accident, so if you do come across black ice while driving at night, be sure to slow down and take extra precautions when going around corners or passing other vehicles.
Black ice is dangerous because it can make driving conditions hazardous, especially since it’s invisible to drivers. Black ice is generally caused by freezing rain.
Black ice can result in serious wrecks with injuries or fatalities involved. Black ice isn’t just a hazard during winter months; it happens all year round and can occur after periods of snowfall or rain when temperatures drop below 32 degrees F (0 Celsius).
Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice
If You Cross Over A Patch Of Black Ice, Don’t Panic.
If you do slide on black ice, remember to maintain your car stay upright. If a vehicle is sliding straight ahead and nothing else is around, the best thing to do is just let it go. Don’t brake or turn in an attempt to stop your car. It will slow down eventually, but there’s no way to make sharp turns when your tires have no traction on ice.
If possible, slow down as much as you can before reaching a patch of black ice (make sure there are no cars behind you!) and avoid swerving into another lane at all costs. If you cannot slow down quickly enough and cannot avoid crossing over into another lane then steer in the direction of the slide—this will help keep control of your vehicle until friction returns.

Stay Up To Date About Weather Conditions In Your Area
The best way to avoid black ice is to stay up to date about weather conditions in your area. Local news, the internet, and local forecasts can give you a good idea of how the weather will be on your commute. If you’re driving at night or during early morning hours, it’s important not just to check the forecast but also to pay attention to any warnings issued by local authorities.
Traction Magic – Traction for tires in snow
You can also use a product called Traction Magic by Gaia Enterprise for increased snow traction for tires. This product helps you get traction in the snow and ice by adding a layer of non-slippery granules to your tires, so they don’t skid on the slippery ice layer. Traction Magic granules are like snow grippers for tires that provide immediate traction. The tiny spiky granules of the traction agent bite through the ice’s surface. Meanwhile, the absorber granules soak up the surface water that makes ice slick.
You can spray or rub the granules on your car tires before driving in the freezing rain. It’ll help provide extra grip when you need it the most.
Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice
Black ice is a serious threat to drivers, but it can be avoided with a little knowledge. If you see any patches of clear ice on the road in your area, take care not to drive over them. You can also check for black ice by pressing down on the brakes or accelerating slowly when approaching an icy bridge or overpass. If you encounter black ice while driving, try not to panic because this could make things worse. Stay calm and remember that Traction Magic provides enhanced snow traction for tires.
Other Ice Melt Products
Safe Paw
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Safe Thaw
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