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How To Prevent Winter Slip And Fall Accidents At Your Workplace?

safe walk on products

The winter season can bring a slew of hazards to the workplace. Slips and falls are some of the incidents due to winter weather. 

Workplace slip, trip, and fall incidents are more likely to end in severe injury or death; both employers and employees must make efforts to reduce the risks of these on-the-job mishaps, especially during the winter months. You can avoid these accidents with the proper walk-on products, preparation, and training.

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Here Are Some Safety Tips For A Safe Winter Season

  • Light It Up

When there isn’t enough lighting at work, the chance of accidents from slips, trips, and falls increases. All pathways, stairs, halls, ramps, basements, and dock areas are included. During working hours, every component of a building site must be well-lit at all times. 

It’s also crucial to remind staff that they should always turn on the lights first when they enter a dark room. As a result, you’ll want to ensure that all light switches are close to the door. When needed, bulbs, cables, and light fixtures must also be serviced or replaced right away.

  • Plan In Advance

It’s not too late to prepare a snow-response strategy. If you hire snow removal services, make sure you have contracts in place that spell out crucial specifics like snow depth and weather triggers, service timing, coverage zones, and where snow will be stacked. Ensure that locations with the most pedestrian traffic are prioritized to prevent slips and falls. When ice and snow are expected, send out winter weather alerts to employees via text, email, or other means.

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  • Snow And Ice Removal

Maintain a schedule to guarantee that ice and snow hazards in parking lots, garages, walkways, and building entrances are removed. Use snow removal techniques that don’t require people to climb onto roofs. Apply de-icing materials using ladders, snow rakes, or dragging lines from the ground. 

During the winter months and when it rains, lay more mats to the doorways. Place labeled containers with ice-melting chemicals and scoops in high-traffic locations so that any staff can use them to melt ice patches. 

Before using ice melt, ensure that it is safe for your employees and premises. Most of these products are abrasive chlorides that damage your surface and metal.

A good and natural traction agent will give you instant traction, thus avoiding any slip and fall while keeping everyone safe and happy. It can be used for snow traction for cars and other commercial vehicles.

  • Encourage Employee Participation

Employees are your best source of knowledge regarding new slip and fall risks; therefore, urge them to report them. You may also get your employees involved in preventative efforts by offering training, putting up awareness posters, and discussing sensible winter walking recommendations.

  • Good Housekeeping Procedures

Good housekeeping is exceptionally crucial. Housekeeping and safety are inextricably linked. Inadequate procedures could lead to an increase in employee injuries, rising insurance costs, and regulatory citations. 

It is a positive indication that an organization’s overall safety program is effective if its facilities are conspicuously clean and properly organized.

Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice


At work, it’s hard to avoid every slip, trip, or fall. Unfortunately, accidents can happen everywhere, but proactive safety measures can avoid many workplace injuries. For example, you can safeguard your employees, visitors, and reputation by using safe walk-on products that immediately traction slippery surfaces.

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