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How To Open Traction Magic Container With Ease

How To Open Traction Magic Container

Traction Magic is a highly effective traction agent, specifically designed for industrial settings like railway stations and office complexes. Its primary function is to prevent slipping, ensuring the safety of employees and customers alike.

Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice

Packaging: 15 Lb Container

This container is equipped with a dispenser that’s simple to carry and use. It allows for effortless dispensing of the product, making application a breeze.

  • Opening The Tight Lid: The lid on the Traction Magic container is intentionally designed to be tight. This design serves two crucial purposes:
  • Maintaining Dryness: The tight seal keeps the product dry. Dryness is essential for Traction Magic to perform optimally, providing maximum traction and ensuring efficiency in its application.
  • Preserving Quality: A tight lid also helps in maintaining the product’s quality over time by preventing moisture from seeping in, which could compromise its effectiveness.

Techniques To Open The Lid Effectively

If you encounter difficulty in opening the lid due to its tightness, here are some practical methods to try:

  • Rubber Mallet Method: Gently tap around the edges of the lid with a rubber mallet. This method can help loosen the seal without applying excessive force, which might damage the lid or the container.
  • Lid Opener Tool: Use a lid opener tool for added leverage. These tools are specifically designed to open tight lids and can provide the necessary grip and force distribution to open the lid safely and efficiently.
  • Gradual Rotation: Sometimes, applying a bit more force in a gradual, controlled manner while rotating the lid can also be effective. Ensure you have a firm grip on the container to stabilize it while attempting to open the lid.

Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice

2. Larger Quantities:45 Lb Bags

  • Simple Opening Method: For the larger 35 lb and 45 lb bags, simply cut along the perforated line to open. These bags are designed for ease of use in larger industrial settings.
  • Application: Once opened, you can either hand out scoops of the product or use a spreader for even distribution. Apply it directly on surfaces like floors, concrete, roads, tires, or shoes to ensure a slip-free environment.


3. Versatile Use With Dispenser

The dispenser from the 15 lb container can also be used with larger bags for convenient and controlled dispensing, making Traction Magic even more versatile and user-friendly.

Get ready for winter with Traction Magic instant grip on snow and ice

Conclusion: Traction Magic – Your Partner In Industrial Safety

With Traction Magic, industrial safety is significantly enhanced. Its thoughtful packaging, from the handy dispenser container to the larger bags, ensures that you can apply the product efficiently and effectively, maintaining a safe environment for all.

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