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Best Way To Increase Traction On New Concrete Without Using Salt

how to walk on ice without falling?

If you have a new concrete driveway, it’s time to reassess your ice and snow melting methods before the snow season. Because it’s cheap and effective, rock salt (sodium chloride) is frequently the first deicing product used by homeowners. However, it is highly corrosive, causing severe damage to concrete surfaces and posing a risk to pets and plant life. 

Fortunately, various alternate deicing methods and solutions will work just as well and not damage your concrete. You can also take preventative measures to safeguard your concrete from dangerous road salts and freeze-thaw damage before winter hits. Here are some of your alternatives on how to walk on ice without falling.

Other Ice Melt Products

Safe Paw

The Original and the #1 Pet and Child Safe Ice Melt for over 20 years. Guaranteed environmentally safe – will not harm waterways and sensitive wetlands. Safe Paw can change how winter affects our planet.

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Safe Thaw

Imagine an ice melt you can put down and never worry about. It won’t harm pets, kids and your property. That’s Safe Thaw. Unlike anything else on the market, Ice and Snow Management You Can Trust.

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