How To Minimize Slip and Fall Accidents At Business Premises
During the winter months, snow and ice accumulation on sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots can create hazard zones, resulting in slip, trip, and fall accidents that may cause critical and even life-altering injuries.
Slip and fall accidents are the most common cause of workers’ compensation claims and the main cause of lost workdays. Customers, clients, vendors, delivery personnel, and other visitors to businesses are often injured because of these incidents.
These accidents can happen at any time of year, but the risk is increased tenfold during the winter. Let us discuss some effective measures to minimize slip and fall accidents at your business premises.
How to minimize slip and fall accidents at business premises
Good Housekeeping
Housekeeping and safety are inextricably linked. If your facility’s cleaning practices aren’t up to par, it could lead to an increase in employee injuries, rising insurance costs, and regulatory citations. It is a positive signal that an organization’s overall safety program is effective if its facilities are conspicuously clean and properly organized. It is a continuous procedure to be carried out as part of each employee’s everyday duties.
Prepare In Advance
Know what needs to be done, who will do it, and how the specific work area will appear during snow and after. In some weather conditions, this may demand shoveling or cleaning ice many times a day. Outside, property owners must take additional precautions to avoid excessive ice accumulations. Your crew should know how to prevent ice on sidewalks and pathways. In some weather conditions, this may demand shoveling snow or cleaning ice many times a day.
It is crucial to keep a check on weather and to pre-treat parking and pedestrian spaces. Owners should ensure that these areas are thoroughly cleaned and maintained throughout a winter weather event, whether your maintenance crew is on winter weather duty or you contract a snow removal service.
Using Traction Agents
When the weather changes, the traction on outdoor surfaces can fluctuate dramatically. The pedestrian footfall brings moisture inside the building harming indoor surfaces. To keep your property safe and accessible for employees, customers, and visitors, you will need effective anti-slip walkway products.
The majority of low-cost traction agents are of poor quality. Don’t be misled by brands that blend toxic and non-hazardous ingredients to cut costs. Avoid using traction agents with salts and chemicals as they will harm your property while destroying the nearby vegetation.
The best traction agents are made of natural components. They work immediately and are effective for long durations while being environmentally friendly.
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Use Absorbent Flooring
Also, keep an eye out for pools of melted snow left behind by people’s shoes as they enter and exit the facility. To avoid slipping, clean up any slushy messes straightaway. The property owners can use absorbent floorings and mats to soak up melted snow at the entry points of the buildings. They can also warn people about the dangers of slipping and falling indoors. Wet Floor signs should be put in areas where snowmelt is likely to gather.
There are various ways to avoid the winter menace of slip and fall. You should know how to prevent ice on sidewalks, parking areas, avoid slushy mess, practice good housekeeping as routine and use safety measures like signs of wet floors and good quality traction solutions.
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